De-Structuring An Energy Experience – 28 January 2025 @ 7 pm UK Time, Online
[…] then something very interesting happens. You go into Awakening Phase Two. It’s all about de-structuring. Ouch! Many of you have been there, done that, and you’re still feeling its side effects. You’re ready to go ascend, becoming a wise spiritual person, and then something happens. Your life falls apart. You destructure.
I don’t want to say it’s unfortunate because perhaps it’s necessary, but it doesn’t have to be so painful. It doesn’t have to be so death-like. It’s going to happen because in this “ouch” zone everything that you thought you were, every belief that you’ve ever had, starts falling apart. It’s really the process of transmuting; it just appears like everything is falling apart. You feel like you’re crumbing, like an old building in an earthquake. The human aspect screams out, “What the____ is going on with my life?!”
Now you’re in the middle of a tremendous contradiction. You’re a spiritual person whose life appears to be falling apart. You’ve told other people how great you’re going to become, and now you’re becoming nothing. They laugh behind your back, once in a while right in your face. You lose your job, your spouse, your health, your mind. Everything falls apart. You’re de-structuring.
Celebrate! You are now in the experiential part of awakening. All the old values start to shift and change; all of the old belief systems de-structure.
So many of you have an aspect that was born and raised to be successful in this life, to have a good job and a good family, to make people proud of you and have children who you would be proud of—and it didn’t necessarily happen that way. That aspect, by the way, still lingers. It’s still there saying, “Hmm, you got off on this crazy spiritual path and now look at my life.” That aspect doesn’t care about your life; that aspect wants its fulfillment. It wants a storybook life, not necessarily a spiritual life.
Suddenly everything is falling apart and you think you’re going crazy. You become mentally, physically, financially, and spiritually imbalanced. Nothing makes sense anymore.
This is party time for your aspects. They are going to come back now. Some of them have been out of contact with you for many lifetimes. They’ve been out in the other realms because they didn’t trust you. They’ve gone somewhere else and
suddenly they have an urge to come back to you. They hear the same calling that you’ve heard. They feel something is getting stirred up, so they come back to you to see if this is the time to take over, where they run the show. Or there’s part of
them that’s curious about what’s going on with you—“Maybe we really are going home!”—and then they laugh, “No way. No way.”
Your aspects come back. Some of them loathe you, others think that you’re a fool, and some of them want power and control. This is a very challenging time for you and your aspects. This is a fragile yet extremely important phase that you go through.
Remember, it’s going to be okay. You have already ascended and now you’re just going backwards in time to experience how you got there. The only regret you are going to have is that you didn’t realize that it was going to be okay; that you fought that it was going to be okay; that you didn’t believe it was going to be okay. The only regret in this whole amazing process is you’re going to say, “Damn, I wish I had enjoyed it more.” It’s going to be okay.
Excerpt from Live Your Divinity, Inspiration for New Consciousness
Adamus Saint Germain – Transmitted by Geoffrey Hoppe and Linda Hoppe
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Giancarlo Serra
Giancarlo is a qualified Gendai Reiki Ho, Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master, Holy Fire III, Karuna Reiki® Master, a fully accredited Spiritual Healer and a Consultant Expert Healer and tutor of the College of Psychic Studies in London. He is a Master Teacher member of the UK Reiki Federation and registered with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council and the Federation of Holistic Therapists. Read more.