Understanding Our Holographic Consciousness and Reality – Gregg Braden
Our Consciousness is holographic in nature.
One of the simplest definitions of hologram and the most eloquent may be that a hologram is simply a pattern, a pattern that is whole and complete unto itself and at the same time it’s part of an even greater pattern that is whole and complete unto itself while at the same time is part of an even greater pattern. This pattern can be non-physical energy or it can be very physical matter.
The cells of your body are holographic in nature, one cell has all the information it needs to create another one of you. It is whole and complete unto itself and it’s part of an even greater pattern that you call your body.
We are many expressions individualised of a Unity Consciousness.
What this means, any place in the pattern of a hologram where you make one little change, that change is mirrored throughout the rest of the Hologram.
The Story of the Spanish Explorers
A good example this is a story that’s told from the Spanish journals when the explorers were coming over looking for new routes into this world in the 1400/1500s. One of the routs took them around the coast of South America and the Spanish gallions that were making this journey (sometimes journeys took many months up to a year) they set ashore for supplies in a place where the Spanish had never recorded being before. They were met on the shores by the indigenous people of that area who apparently had never seen white people before, had never seen Western technology before.
One of the first men to meet them on the shore was the shaman, the holy man of the tribe. The Spanish left the large ships out on the water and they came ashore in smaller row boats and however they communicated in whatever language they were using the holy man asked them where did you just come from and they’ve been here for years they’ve never seen people like this coming up onto their Shore and however they communicate in return the Spanish said we came on this little boat from that big boat with the wooden planks and the canvas sails out on the horizon of the ocean.
The holy man looked to where the Spanish were pointing and he couldn’t see that ship, the ship was there and it was of a pattern that was so foreign to his frame of reference it made no sense to his conscious recognition. He didn’t recognise it.
As I hear this story I often wonder how how many times that happen in our world, in our lives, how many times do things happen right in front of us and maybe we disallow it because it doesn’t make sense in terms of our frame of reference.
Is it possible there’s a whole separate world going onhere that we haven’t recognised because we don’t allow for it in our Paradigm?
The shaman was fascinated by the possibility that these people came from something that he couldn’t see; another individual may have dismissed it but the shaman worked with it and eventually he says: you know if I look out of the corner my eyes and I squint just the right way and redefine the shape of my eyeball I begin to make something out on the horizon and in just a few moments he taught himself how to see a pattern of matter that he had never been exposed to before.
Miles away was his village and the people in his village didn’t have the same experience that he had and within just a couple of days they too benefited from his experience, they were able to see what was happening on the shores. They weren’t witnessing with him however they learned through his experience.
Collective Resonance
The term we use today is called Collective Resonance which means that every time one person chooses a new way to respond to the challenges of life then becomes a living bridge for all the others who choose to follow in that person’s path. That person now that choses a new path has created a template of a new possibility very close to the consciousness of all others who choose to follow and that template now becomes more accessible to the next and the next and the next.
The shaman on the shore he chose to see a new way and through Collective resonance others benefit from his experience.
If we have a pattern perhaps it looks like a snowflake pattern and that pattern is whole and complete unto itself and part of an even larger snowflake which is whole and complete and part of an even larger snowflake and there is one place in each of these patterns where there is a little pointed tip and we take the tip off in one place of the snow snowflake that tip no longer exists anywhere in the pattern.
That’s the beauty of the Hologram, when a change occurs in one place it’s mirrored throughout the whole – it’s mirrored throughout the rest of the system.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay