

the kingdom of heaven
The Kingdom Of Heaven by Neville Goddard

Tonight’s subject is “The Kingdom.” We’re told in the Book of Luke, the 12th chapter, the 12th verse, “Fear not, little flock, for it …

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you are God
The power of believing is God himself

The power of believing is God himself. So, God-in-man is man’s own wonderful human Imagination.

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Tell me about space
Tell me about space

Space is time… demonstrated. In truth there is no such thing as space—pure, “empty” space, with nothing in it. Everything is something.

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Yin & Yang
The union of opposites

“The alchemist saw the union of opposites under the symbol of the tree, and it is therefore not surprising that the unconscious of …

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is my partner my true soul mate
Is my partner my true soulmate?

Is the woman I’m currently with my Soul Mate? Much has been said about Soul Mates in the age that you are aware of…

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What's blocking my romantic relationships?
What’s blocking my romantic relationships?

What is blocking my romantic relationships? I feel like I have a block. Everything that happens in life is a communication …

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matter is energy
Matter and energy are interchangeable

An important consequence of Eistein’s relativity is that matter and energy are interchangeable.

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How can I help my mother?
How can I help my mother?

Can you tell me how I could help my mother going through her illness?

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There is nothing but consciousness
There is nothing but consciousness

Disease, both physical and psychological, has its roots in the good, the beautiful, and the true.  It is but a distorted reflection of divine possibilities.  The thwarted soul, seeking full expression of some divine characteristic or inner spiritual reality …

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What message is my father bringing me?
What message is my father bringing me?

[… ] four or five days ago I told this person that the problem was not my father, meaning that the problem was something else, and then after four or five days my father was admitted to hospital.

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