Transformational Healing Experience – 30 January 2023 @ 7-8 pm UK Time


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Transformational Healing Experience
30 January 2023 @ 7-8 pm UK Time

– Recording available usually with two hours after the event is finished – 

Healing is a journey, a movement and works toward wholeness. Integration of mind, body, and soul restores balance within the system, making true healing possible.

This Transformational Healing Experience promotes the consistent and unlocked flow of energy throughout the body, bringing the mind, body, and emotions into attunement with the soul. It brings in high-frequency healing energies that are very powerful and effective as they come directly from Infinite Consciousness.

It is highly effective in removing dissonant energy in the physical body, aura and chakras, working to help release any blocks, healing and integrating other lives, re-aligning your subtle bodies, and providing insights and guidance.

The experience will take place mostly in the unconscious parts of the mind while you remain in a state of calm and peace.

Each healing experience addresses the specific needs of each participant. Some will have visual experiences, others will feel the energy flowing around and within, and for some the experience will take mostly in the unconscious parts of the mind while the participant remains in a state of calm and peace.

You will be guided through a process or protocol, a vehicle for the Infinite Consciousness, that drives the whole experience. I will give you specific visualisations and affirmations to use during this process.

However, it is not important that you hear every word I say – the energy will work with you even if you fall asleep. The healing energies continue to work deeply into your system, recalibrating, reconfiguring and transforming it over the days following the experience.


How To Prepare

    • – Spend a few minutes in silence/reflection and set an intention for the healing session.
    • – Find a problem or issue you want to address. Write down on a piece of paper, one problem you would like 
    • – Have a diary/notebook ready to write any insights that you may receive.
    • – You can be seated or lying on the floor or change position during the experience, moving to the floor or returning to the chair.
    • – If you want, play your favourite music in the background. Otherwise stay in silence.
    • – Connect to Zoom, switch off your camera and mute your microphone. 


Tapping points for the session