
In: Personal Development

Decide Who You Are—Who you want to be
Decide Who You Are—Who you want to be

[…] You must know—you are now ready to be told—that you exist at every level of the Space-Time Continuum simultaneously.

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The Mission Of Every Man
The Mission Of Every Man

Now we ask you questions now. Why did you come here? Why did you come to this land to incarnate in a body and to ….

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Spirituality means walking up. Most people, even though they don’t know it, are asleep. They’re born asleep, they live asleep ….

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HEALING is to return to original healthy state

HEALING is to return to original healthy state

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Reiki releases stress and tension
Reiki releases stress and tension

A Reiki session improves energy circulation, removes unwanted energies, and your inner Reiki regains resonance with Reiki from the Universe. All of these help improve your natural healing ability and you will be able to regain original, perfect health.

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A higher template
A Higher Template

The Truth of Who You Are, The Monad as Divine expressed through you, is what you have always been but have all denied …

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Calling your spirit back
Calling Your Spirit Back

By no means is it easy to retrieve your spirit from days gone by, not only because genuine hurt is involved …

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“How Reiki changed my life” – 6 Reiki Masters share their experience

If you have ever experienced a Reiki treatment yourself, then you know how wonderful and at the same time indescribable it feels. But what if you don’t just enjoy the occasional hands-on healing, but integrate Reiki into your life as a whole, as a path, as a philosophy?

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Mount Fuji
Teaching Principles of Gendai Reiki

Learning Reiki can be compared to climbing Mt. Fuji from the bottom to the top. It is dangerous to reach the top all at once without any preparation.

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UK Reiki Federation Online Membership
UK Reiki Federation – New Membership Category for Online Learners

Qualified students who attended my Holy Fire® Reiki and Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki® Reiki classes can now join the UK Reiki Federation as Associate Members with various benefits.

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