
In: Reiki & Healing

What Is Reiki And What Are The Benefits?
What Is Reiki and What Are Its Benefits?

Reiki is practiced by millions of people worldwide and there are over on hundred styles that have evolved from the system developed by Mikao Usui.

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Healing Crisis
Healing Crisis

This healing process can sometimes cause uncomfortable symptoms that are actually part of the recovery process. This is sometimes called a ‘healing crisis’ by some, but is actually a normal part of the healing process as we enter a more deeply healed state.

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The Brothers and Sisters of the Light
The Brothers and Sisters of the Light

The term Brothers and Sisters of the Light was introduced by William Lee Rand in 2014. when he was still receiving additional information about the development of the Holy Fire® energy.

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Beaming Reiki Technique
Beaming Reiki Technique

This technique was developed by the International Center for Reiki Training and allows practitioners to channel and beam Reiki energy to a client.

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Holy Fire Online Experience Weekly Event
Holy Fire® Online Experience

A Holy Fire® Experience provides a deeply healing experience which brings in high frequency healing energies that are very powerful and effective.

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Reiki Courses Online
Holy Fire® Reiki Rises To The Coronavirus Challenge

In April 2020 William Lee Rand, President & Founder of the ICRT, received a more powerful and effective healing energy that will allow Holy Fire® Reiki teachers to conduct Reiki classes online.

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Reiki Courses
Internationally Recognised Reiki Courses in London

Western- style Usui Reiki courses have now been introduced along with our internationally recognised Holy Fire® III Reiki Classes, together with new workshops intended to provide additional knowledge, skills and ability to the Reiki practitioner.

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Healing vs Curing
Healing vs Curing

Symptoms are like warning lights in a car; their function is to warn us about something that is happening in the car (our body).

Giving Reiki is mainly enabling the received to active their own self-healing power. Reiki Practitioners do not actually heal; they act as catalysis for the receiver.

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Holy Fire Healing Experience
Holy Fire® Healing Experiences London

Holy Fire® Healing Experiences London Holy Fire III Reiki is an evolutionary form of Reiki Usui which was introduced by William Lee Rand of the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) in January 2014. It is both powerful and gentle, noticeably more refined and it comes from a higher level of…

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Study Reveals How Meditation Can Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

In recent decades, public interest in mindfulness meditation has soared. Studies have shown benefits against an array of conditions both physical and mental, including anxiety, psoriasis, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

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