
Tag: imagination

How Neville Goddard Manifested Hi Wife IN 1 WEEK
How Neville Goddard Manifested His Wife In One Week

Neville tells that he could not marry his specific person because he was already married to a woman who refused to give him a divorce no matter what.

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What Realities Are Your Mental Conversations Creating?
What Realities Are Your Mental Conversations Creating?

Neville Goddard tells us the story of a girl who was experiencing problems with her employer, and how she managed to change her employer’s attitude towards her.

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You Are An Immortal Being Passing Through States
You Are An Immortal Being Passing Through States

A state is an attitude of mind, a state of experience with a body of beliefs which you live by. Neville Goddard

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How Neville Got Honourably Discharged From The Army
How Neville Got Honourably Discharged From The Army

This is a story in Neville’s own words of how he got discharged from the army honourably and without any conscious influence over any of the army generals

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Goal Setting For Reiki Practitioners
Goal Setting For Reiki Practitioners (And Everybody Else)

A goal is a future achievement with a timely deadline you can work towards to. We can also define a goal as a thought with commitment to make it real.

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