Talk To Your Body

Can I do anything to make my physical body feel better?

The physical body is programmed to heal itself when it is aligned with your Fundamental Frequency. Therefore, set an intention to align your physical, emotional, and mental body to the highest frequency reached by your Divine Body.

Then look at your body: it is the temple, the treasure chest of your Divine Essence. So as such, it is also Divine.

Talk to your body, communicate with it, because it is one of your parts. Let go of every expectation, communicate by setting an intention to bring it back into balance and full functionality.
Is that clear to you?


Look at your physical body as living being, as it has the ability to respond to your requests: it is not a helpless shell, but it is alive and able to respond. So speak with it, with your parts, with your organs, knowing that what you say is being understood.
Is it clearer now?


Let go of expectations, but be certain that your message is clearly delivered and that, the more you stay aligned in frequency, the faster your body will be respond.

Excerpt of a Channeling from the Source session
of 08.07.2022

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