
In: Reiki & Healing

Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma
How To Become a Qualified Reiki Practitioner in London

The Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma Course takes place in-person in London, United Kingdom and runs every year, starting in October.

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How To Perform Aura Cleansing Correctly
How To Perform Aura Cleansing Correctly

Aura Cleansing is a technique that removes excess energy from the aura, re-balancing it. It can be done before and after a session.

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gokai (1)
What Is Go-kai And The Profound Meaning Of Satori

The Go-kai is quite short and simple but has the profound meaning of Satori, which Usui Sensei achieved.

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basics of reiki sessions
Basics Of Reiki Sessions

Healing is to return to original, healthy state. It is to restore radiance of life. You give Reiki to yourself to promote health and peaceful mind.

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Gendai Reiki Classes in london
Gendai Reiki Ho Courses In London | Reiki Training

Gendai Reiki Ho is not a new Reiki system. It can be referred to as “original Japanese Usui Reiki Ryoho in the Gendai Reiki style,” as it allows people in modern society to learn and practice the original Japanese Usui Reiki Ryoho easily and comfortably.

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Reiki-ho A Natural Healing Method That Uses The Power From The Hands
Reiki-ho: A Natural Healing Method That Uses The Power From The Hands

Reiki-ho (“Reiki” In English) is a traditional way of using Ki for hands-on healing of the body and mind.

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My Partner Whats To Have Other Relationships. What Should I do?

In my current relationship, since other people are my “mirrors”, what do I need to understand about working on myself as I look at my partner?

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THe Truth about the bodies of the human system
The Truth About The Bodies of The Human System

What is the difference between the Higher Self and the Soul?

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helping my family
How Can I Help My Family Awaken?

Channeling from the Source Field – This is an extract of an individual channeling session that was facilitated by Lucia Giglioli, Antonio Mastidoro and Giancarlo Serra on 23 February 2023.

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what is healing
What Does Healing Mean?

his channeling from the Source Field was facilitated by Lucia Giglioli, Antonio Mastidoro and Giancarlo Serra during the Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki, Level 1 Class, in Cagliari on Sunday 5 February 2023.

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