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Our NEW Holy Fire III Reiki has just been launched!

I am excited to announce the launch of my new website! Please take a look around and you will find information and descriptions of the many Reiki courses and workshops on offer.

Here is the link: www.holyfirereiki.eu

Reiki Events

Our Reiki courses and workshops are suitable for people who have only basic knowledge through to those who wish to build on their experience of Reiki healing.

Where do I start?

If you do not have any experience of energy work, a good place to start is our Energy Work Essentials Workshop on the 23 February, 2019 in London. There are no previous qualifications required to register for this workshop, which will cover psychic protection, grounding and energy clearance. This is the essential work for those are starting and also Reiki practitioners wishing to improve and expand their healing technique.

The Holy Fire III Reiki, I & II course for beginners includes both Reiki I & II and is a combination of the Japanese style, and Western style as introduced by Mrs. Takata. You will practice the self-treatment, giving and receiving a complete Reiki treatment using Japanese techniques, and integrating all the level II symbols including distant healing.

The first Holy Fire III Reiki, I & II course will run on 12 & 13 January, 2019, then we’ll have more running a number of times throughout the year.

What’s next?

Reiki II practitioners with at least 6 month experience can register for our Holy Fire III, Reiki ART/Master course on 9-11 August, 2019 in London. Holy Fire III Reiki is an evolution of Reiki, that I have learned in Japan directly from William Lee Rand, who has developed this system of healing. This course has helped my own personal and spiritual evolution, following my initial attunement to Usui Reiki with Doug Buchingham in 2012 in London.

Our Holy Fire III, Reiki ART/Master course can be accessed by any Reiki II practitioner from any lineage.

Reiki Masters Teachers from any lineage with at least six month experience can register for our Holy Fire III Reiki Karuna Reiki Master Teacher course in November, 2019.

The Energy Work Essentials Workshop and the Holy Fire III Reiki, I & II course are a pre-requisite to register for different advanced workshops, designed to be additional tools available to Reiki practitioners who want to  enhance their work with clients or use them for self-development.

Advanced Energy workshops available in London:

How can I work professionally with Reiki?

I always had a natural interest in the mysterious and unexplained from an early age and initially pursued studies in Environmental Engineering and Science, however I found that this did not answer all of the questions he had in relation to phenomenon that simply could not be explained by science.

In 2008, following a Reiki treatment I had received when conventional medicine failed, my life changed direction and I started following the path of complementary holistic therapy and natural healing.

At that time I was employed as an Environmental Officer with the London Borough of Hillingdon in London. I began offering Reiki treatments on evenings and running Reiki courses for one or two people on weekends. It all started with very little resources, with friends and family. Eventually I made a transition from a good paid job to being self-employed. I developed skills in marketing, accounting, web design, presentation. This resulted in my Reiki practice starting to grow and expand.

I started running Reiki courses and workshops in Italy, which then became a monthly appointment. In now run two businesses, one in London and the second one in Italy.

Working and making a living with Reiki does require patience, organisation, discipline, committment and hard work. However, for those who succeed, working with Reiki can become a good source of income, as well as being an incredibly rewarding, rich a fulfilling experience.

This, for many, requires a change in mentality and lots of personal work, because healers (being human beings) are still trapped in old beliefs and attitudes. Of course, Reiki can help greatly in working with old patterns and blockages.

If you have been attuned to Reiki and would like to work with it professionally, the How to Develop a Successfull Reiki Practice Workshop on 26 October, 2019 can be a source of knowledge and inspiration for you. I will share with you the secrets, skills and rules that have helped me to create a thriving Reiki practice.

Reiki Circle

The Reiki Circle, or Reiki share, is a group of Reiki practitioners simultaneously practicing Reiki on a recipient for usually 15-20 minutes. The recipient then exchanges places with a practitioner until all in the group have received their treatment.
Reiki Circle is open to Reiki practitioners and also to non qualified people who want to receive Reiki. All are invited regardless of experience with Reiki
Our next appointment with the Reiki Circle is on Monday 17 December from 7pm until 9pm.
Please contact me if you would like to participate and want to come with friends and family.