With Holistic Facilitators Antonio Mastidoro, Lucia Giglioli and Giancarlo Serra
Channeling From The Source
Giancarlo Serra and Associazione di Promozione Sociale MaeStr’Ale offer you the opportunity to receive free channeling sessions with the Source Field (True Self) and receive information about the meaning of the events in your life. You can request as many sessions as you want, when you want them, all free of charge.
If your first language is English, the session will be translated from Italian to English and viceversa, from English to Italian. If your first language is Italian, the session will be in Italian.
You can ask all the questions you want, sessions usually last approximately 1-1.5 hours. You will receive a transcript of your session in English or Italian, free of charge.
How It Works
1. Email info@giancarloserra.org to book a free channeling session.
2. I will schedule a Zoom video call with you, myself, Antonio and Lucia.
2. On the day of your session, you can ask any questions as you want. You can prepare a list of questions and come up with new questions during the session.
3. You will receive a transcript of your session in English or Italian 2-3 weeks after your session.
4. Your channeling session is free of charge, and there is no committment. You can book another session any time you want, free of charge.
Please use this contact form to enquiry or to book a session.
Channeling projec
Lucia Giglioli
Graduated in Speech Therapy, she is a Researcher, a Holistic Facilitator, Master Practitioner, Coach in Neuro Linguistic Programming (PNL) certified by dr. Richard Bandler, co-founder of PNL, and The Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, as well as certified Omega Healing Coach by Norma Van Oosten.
She trained in Bioanalogy, Numerology, Reiki, Inca Spiritual Tradition, Tibetan Bells, Pranic Healing 1st level, Subtle Energies, Radiesthesia and Radionics, Oracle Training (1st and 2nd mod) with Joy and Roy Martina, energies of habitat, learning and speed reading.
Lucia is Laughter Yoga Leader certified by the School of Laughter Yoga of dr. Madam Kataria.
She worked as a speech therapist in a multidisciplinary team at a rehabilitation center in Cagliari. She have been involved in voluntary work for a long time with educational and entertainment tasks for children and teenagers.
She is a founding member of the MaeStr’Ale Social Promotion Association, she currently holds the position of President.
Antonio Mastidoro
He is a researcher and a Holistic Facilitator, Master Practitioner, Coach and Trainer in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) certified by dr. Richard Bandler, co-founder of PNL, and The Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, as well as Omega Master Top Coach and Christallin Therapist certified by Dr. Roy Martina. Further training: PSY – I.T. with Prof. Albert Ignatenko, Hypnosis with the National Guild of Hypnotist™ (NGH), Numerology, development of intuitive potential (Intuition Training, Silva Mind Control and Ultramind ESP System™), PSYCH-K®, Quanti-Ka and energy techniques (AGER, E.F.T., Logosynthesis, P.E.T., Reiki, S.E.T., T.A.T., T.E.V.), Inca Spiritual Tradition, Radiesthesia and Radionics, habitat energies, learning and speed reading. He is qualified to use the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) and is Laughter Yoga Leader and Certified Teacher by Dr. Madam Kataria.
Antonio has extensive experience in management, sales training, sport and politics. He worked in managements roles in corporate, sport, political regionale and natioanl institutions.
Giancarlo Serra
Healer, Reiki Teacher, Past Life and Regression Therapist
Click here for more information
Associazione di Promozione Sociale MaeStr’Ale, Via San Lucifero 65, Cagliari, Italy
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