This is an extract of a channeling session with the True Self originally channeled in Italian and then translated into English.
The language used by the True Self is quite profound in nature, so the English translation may not be as accurate as the original message in Italian. However, as everything is energy and frequency, do not let your rational mind interfere with this process, simply receive what you are supposed to receive right now.
If you have come to this page, you have manifested this in your reality, so you are in the right place at the right time.
The Language of Evidence
We are two-dimensional beings: we have a dense dimension – made of a physical body, an emotional body and a mental body – and a Subtle dimension.
The dense dimension creates through thought and emotions – words – and the actions that we take as a result.
The Subtle dimension creates through frequencies.
Everything in created in the Subtle dimension and manifested into matter, facilitating our manifestation. Everything that we preceive outside of ourselves is a communication for us.
However, in the reality that we perceive through oure senses – the messages of Life (the Subtle that each of us Is) are not understood since they communicate with an unknown language: the language of Evidence.
Seeing with the eyes of the Soul
In this phase of human evolution it is no longer enough to just look: it is necessary to see. “Seeing” is what makes the difference: the difference that makes the difference.
But in order to “see” it is necessary to understand and to remember that everything in life is of symbolic nature, everything must be seen in an analogical key through sensory Evidence, which is the representation of the inner energetic phenomena that manifest itself externally to help us make choices that are consistent with Who We Authentically Are and with what we have chosen to experience in this life so that we can evolve.
Everything that is picked up by our senses – events, situations, people, animals, things, what we think, what we feel, what we say, what we do, what we are told, what is ‘done to us’, what we say and do to ourselves – comes from our Suble dimension (described in the previous paragraph) and manifests itself in the dense dimension.
The meaning of everything that is perceived through our senses (events, situations, people, animals, ect.) is very different from the meaning we give to the event in the cause – effect paradigm (I do this and as result, this happens). The language of Evidence gives us an indication of the choices that we need to make in order to go towards the Joy we all look for.
And the more “what happens” impacts us, the more it affects us internally. Emotional involvement, in fact, attests that something affects us deeply: the more it touches us, the more it indicates that we are ready to go beyond the evolutionary phase we are going through.
As challenging as it may be, what happens to us is never against us: everything is for us, everything is an indication of the Way to access levels of Consciousness and awareness that give us fullness, joy, meaning, results.
Seeing with the eyes of the Soul: this is the difference that makes the difference.
Live Your Life Knowing Who You Are
I am aware that there is nothing attacking me, but my body is in this continuous loop. Therefore I wonder “what can I do as a next step to let go of everything?“
Live your Life knowing that You Are the All. All that appears to you as other than you – people, situations, events – it’s all a projection that shows you what is happening inside you. Therefore do not judge.
Let go of your vision of right/wrong, good/bad, positive/negative, and love everything that you encounter; live, perceive in your life with gratitude and the absolute certainty that it is all perfect.
By changing your attitude, all that your body is now communicating to you will become an opportunity to listen to your inner voice. However, this cannot happen if you stay in judgement, in fear and if you are conviced that you need to protect yourself from an external attack.
Since judgement, the conviction that you need to protect, and fear keep you in separation. So You Are Not One anymore, you are separate from One in many different ways. In Reality You Are One, so there is nothing that you need to protect from, nothing to be afraid of, nothing to judge, because it is all perfect.
Do you understand what I mean?
Your work in this phase of your Path is mainly to change your attitude towards life. Come back in the One.
Message From the True Self
channelled on 09.08.2023
Would you like to ask questions about eventsin your life to the True Self?
We offer free channeling sessions to everyone upon request. A session’s duration is usually 60-90 minutes and you can ask ask all the questions you want, about yourself, your life, events in your life, your family, the world etc. You can have as many sessions as you want, when you want them, all free of charge.
Sessions are on Zoom. After your session you receve a written transcript.
1. Send an email to info@giancarloserra.org, giving an indication of your availability.
2. You will receive a reply usually within 48 hours, offering you a choice of dates and times.
3. Once the date and time of the session is agreed, you will receive an email with the link to connect.
4. You will receive a trascript of your session usually within two weeks.
5. It’s all free of charge, there is no pressure to do any further work after your session or in between sessions, unless you want to.
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