Before embarking on Reiki training, many prospective students ask me about the differences between traditional Japanese Reiki and Western Reiki. It’s a very good question, we need to ask ourselves important questions before embarking on a journey like this.
Hiroshi Doi, the founder of Gendai Reiki Ho, clearly stated that there is no one style that is better than another. Gendai Reiki Ho itself is a style very close to traditional Japanese Reiki, but at the same time it incorporates some aspects of Western Reiki that Hiroshi Doi believes are very valid and therefore enrich it.
Certainly, Hiroshi Doi affirms that traditional Japanese Reiki, as conceived by Mikao Usui, is based on the channeling of universal energy, without having to resort to the guidance and support of ‘external light beings’.
By this I mean that whatever we perceive outside ourselves keeps us in separation. It is a belief that we carry with us from ancient beliefs such as religious ones, in which in general God is always seen as an entity external to us, who has the power to ‘decide our destiny’. In Reality, both the God conceived by human beings and destiny are all mental constructs created by the human mind.
There is no destiny in the field of infinite possibilities, where everything already exists and is eternal, out of space and time.
Reiki naturally follows the same rules. Reiki is universal energy, not external to us, we ourselves are energy, everything is energy. For this reason, as is true for the God, for the angels and other beings of light, also for Reiki and for Mikao Usui we must not build churches and altars, as we would fall into the same trap as the human mind. Respect yes, giving power to something external no, as in the illusion of separation we can only experience separation, and receive communications from the field that constantly remind us of our attitude to life.
Let’s see what Hiroshi Doi says about the differences between traditional Japanese Reiki and Western Reiki.
Original Japanese Usui Reiki vs Western Reiki
The original Japanese Reiki has its own traditional approach, philosophy, and protocols that have been kept and passed on for generations in Japan; Western Reiki has different characteristics and traditions are kept in some circles, while in other circles traditional techniques and approaches were changed.
Western Reiki can be learned by anyone, and can be used by students from day one to treat themselves and other people. Western Reiki is usually seen as a complementary therapy that works well with modern medicine and promotes better health. Western Reiki practitioners are usually highly skilled, some of them are physicians, nurses, medical and scientific researchers, and sometimes work in clinics, hospices and hospitals.
Original Japanese Reiki cannot be accessed by the general public because it is meant to be used only as a home remedy.
Western Reiki masters believe that Symbols are sacred, and others believe that Reiki only works because of the Symbols. Trainees in Western Reiki usually seek strong sensations in the five senses during attunements and treatments to have some sort of confirmation that Reiki is working and that the energy is flowing.
Western Reiki practitioners seek to have mystical experiences, seeing colourful images, hearing sounds and feeling a strong flow of energy.
Strong sensations in the five senses are usually the result of coarse and rough vibrations and our own personal energy. Reiki works with subtle energies and vibrations of the Universal Field. These very delicate energies are not usually detected by the five senses, but when they are, the result is that we feel relaxed, peaceful, and have a sense of warmth.
In the Western World, while working with Reiki practitioners seek help from angels, ascended masters, and higher spiritual beings, often to achieve wishes and desires for a happier and more positive life, including financial and business successes. Western Reiki practitioners and teachers have developed many techniques and for self-actualisation and fulfilment of desires, release stress, improve self-esteem, heal relationships, solve problems, and create a happy and joyous life.
In original Japanese Reiki there are no spiritual beings or divinities, as Usui Sensei’s philosophy is to practice Reiki with energy and the vibrations of the Universe. Reiki is not used for the fulfilment of desires. Attunements are done face-to-face in the same room, resonating with Reiki together, and distant learning is prohibited.
Gendai Reiki Ho Classes in London, United Kingdom and in Cagliari, Italy
Gendai Reiki Ho is not a new Reiki system. It can be referred to as “original Japanese Usui Reiki Ryoho in the Gendai Reiki style,” as it allows people in modern society to learn and practice the original Japanese Usui Reiki Ryoho easily and comfortably.
Gendai Reiki Ho has been accepted by many people as a very simple Body-Mind improvement technique that requires no hard training.
Certification levels of Gendai Reiki:
Level III – Shinpiden (Reiki 3)
Level IV – Gokuikaiden (Reiki Master)
Seminars include authentic, individual in person attunements.
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