Gendai Reiki Ho OKUDEN
Gendai Reiki Ho Okuden (Level 2) Course in London, UK
Gendai Reiki Ho

The practice of Reiki is an original method of healing developed by Mikao Usui in Japan early in the 20th century. Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, meaning “Usui Reiki Healing Method Learning Society”, is the name of the society of Reiki Masters founded by Mikao Usui.

Gendai Reiki Ho is not a new Reiki system. It can be referred to as “original Japanese Usui Reiki Ryoho in the Gendai Reiki style,” as it allows people in modern society to learn and practice the original Japanese Usui Reiki Ryoho easily and comfortably.

Certification levels of Gendai Reiki Ho: 

Level I – Shoden (Reiki 1)

Level II – Okuden (Reiki 2)

Level III – Shinpiden (Reiki 3)

Level IV – Gokuikaiden (Master)

The attunements in Level II enhance the quality of Reiki energy within you. Reiki symbols as a “shape or letter” and Kotodama as a “voice or sound” allow you to harness Reiki energy with more potentiality.

By using the symbols and Kotodamas, you can use Reiki in an infinite number of ways: for example, you can send powerful energy onto a particular point, send balanced and harmonious energy into your feelings and emotions and perform healing beyond time and space, connecting your consciousness to a distant place, in the past or future in addition to the present.

Gendai Reiki Ho Shoden seminars are offered in person only.

CNHC Registration

Reiki practitioners who have undertaken a programme of education and training which meets, as a minimum, the National Occupational Standards and the Core Curriculum for Reiki are eligible to register with the CNHC (courses delivered entirely by distance learning do not meet CNHC requirements).

Gendai Reiki Ho Shoden Level I is a core module of the Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma.

The Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma is a qualification which demonstrates that the student has followed a specific programme of study that adheres to the National Occupational Standards (NOS) and Core Curriculum for Reiki training (as devised by the Reiki Council).

This programme is accredited by the UK Reiki Federation for registration with the government funded Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), the independent UK regulator for complementary healthcare practitioners.

It is designed to enable students to gain competence and confidence to professionally work as a Reiki Practitioner. Qualified students will be eligible to apply to the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council and receive the CNHC Quality Mark.

Gendai Reiki Classes in London

Reiki-ho (“Reiki” In English) is a traditional Japanese way of using Ki for hands-on healing of the body and mind, the same way as other hand healings that have existed from ancient times. It was originally established as “Usui Reiki Ryoho” by Mikao Usui (1865 – 1926) in 1922 as “the way to make mind and body healthy on the basis of the Universal Reiki“.

Usui Sensei’s teaching was that the purpose of life is to achieve a peaceful mind state and then while holding that peace within, fulfill our destined missions. Usui said “Everything that exists in the Universe possesses Reiki“.

The Universal energy exists in everything; it is the life energy inside the human body that gives us natural healing ability and the power to live in health and wholeness. The life energy is known by a variety of names such as aura, Ki, vitality, Reiki, Reishi, life magnetism, prana, Chi, body radioactivity and so on.

Usui Reiki Ryoho creates happiness, relaxation and healing. It allows anyone to live life fully by harnessing the energy from the Universe. Reiki-ho differs, however, from other similar healing methods in the respect that a difficult training period is not necessary and anyone can perform the healing easily just by following the system.

> Reiki Ho, A Natural Healing Method That Uses The Power From The Hands



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